Published: 23 November 2021

Huvudinnehåll start

The fundamentals of the electoral system

The Swedish electoral system is based on universal and equal suffrage and free, confidential, and direct elections.

The electoral system is proportional. This means that the number of seats allocated to parties, for example in the Riksdag, by and large are the same as the parties’ share of votes received.

Parties that wish to participate in the election shall give written notice of this to the Election Authority.

Elections to the Riksdag, municipal and region assemblies

Elections to the Riksdag, municipal and region assemblies are held on the second Sunday in September, every fourth year.

Elections to the European Parliament

Elections to the European Parliament are held at some point during April–June every fifth year.

The election is conducted in accordance with each respective EU Member State’s national election laws. In Sweden, elections are always held on a Sunday.